It is unbelievable easy to prep no-cook porridge because instant flakes do not need obligatory temperature treatment. You can vary your meal by using different kinds of Myllyn Paras flakes.
Begin with rhubarb preserves preparation. Peel the rhubarb, cut to small pieces and put in a saucepan. Pour in the water, bring to the boil and add sugar. Simmer a little bit with the lid on to make rhubarb juicy. Simmer with the lid off for 10 minutes.
Pour this mix into a clean glass can. Cover it and leave it to cool. It will be thick enough only after cooling.
To prep porridge by mixing sour milk or yogurt, flakes, crushed strawberries and rhubarb preserves in a bowl. Put your mix into the fridge for a night or leave it to swell for a while in the morning.
Bon appétit!